Representatives of travel agencies from various parts of China will take part in the workshop gathering agencies from Beijing, Shanghai and Zhejiang Province, representing the most important Chinese source markets for tourism. Over the course of recent years, CSEBA has been part of the intensified promotional activities on the Chinese tourism market, and has detected Chinese interest in creating links with Croatian tourist agencies.
The workshop will focus on tourist agencies and hotel operators, mainly from Croatia, but also from Serbia, Slovenia, Bosnia – Herzegovina and Montenegro. When visiting Europe, Chinese tourists rarely stay in a single state during their trip. Rather, they remain on average about two days in any given state. There is a need for better linkage of Croatian tourist agencies with agencies from neighboring countries, and for the formation of joint offers.
Chinese agencies are aware of Croatia's high tourist potential, but are mostly dissatisfied with the quality of the programs offered. The number of Chinese tourists arriving in Croatia has been on a steady increase (approaching 200,000 tourists, which represents a 40% increase), but according to estimates, majority of Chinese tourists are arriving without any significant involvement of local touristic agencies from Croatia. They rather rely on Chinese, or agencies from neighboring countries.
In addition to Croatian tourist agencies, representatives of tour operators from the wider region will take part in the workshop, as Chinese tourists rarely visit a single country during a trip. That is why this workshop will provide a great opportunity to present to Chinese agencies, which should ultimately result in the creation of better quality tourist products for Chinese tourists.